Saturday, September 16, 2006

The road is starting...

So, my team and I have arrived in Rijeka, Croatia finally. After a summer of meeting with people and raising support, it is great to finally be here and start this new adventure in my life. Rijeka is what is imagined. It has the feel of a typical European city; if you know what that is. This week and next are a preparation time for the next ten months. I am getting excited about what is to come. We have been hanging out with a few of the students that the previous teams met. They have been awesome in the ways that they want to serve us and love hanging out with us. I'm really looking forward to actually getting going with the ministry here.

Pray that God will show us just where he wants us to focus on this year with the students.

1 comment:

onemotherslove said...

Hey, another stuffonmycat fan! I'll pray for you in Croatia!

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