Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Newest and Latest News!

I am moving to LA in the fall to start up at Fuller Seminary and do an internship through a church. I am super excited about doing something new in my life and starting down the path that I feel the Lord has been leading me toward for a few years now. The thought of starting up school again doesn't sound that fun right now, but it will be something that I care about, as opposed to my undergraduate work in business.

I am going to be studying Urban Missions as part of the Inter-Cultural Studies School. It will be really cool to be studying this as I am working in an inner-city church. I can get some nice practical knowledge as I am cranking out the schooling.

Also, I will get to quit my job, which is a really nice benefit. It's not that I hate my job; I'm just really tired of it right now and feel pretty emotionally exhausted and burned out. So, that's the latest and newest!
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