Saturday, June 13, 2009

New plans for my blog

I just finished another quarter at Fuller Seminary and will mention more about the previous quarter, because there were some amazing things that happened in the last three months. I'm looking now toward the summer and the three classes I will be taking starting in a few weeks. One of the classes that I will be taking is a directed study on urban missions with the main urban missions professor, Dr. Jude Tiersma Watson. I will be reading a number of books for the class and adding my reflections here on my blog for Jude to read and for all of you (if there are any of "you" actually out there!) to read my reflections and add any comments of your experiences and disagreements. So, I will be starting this in a few weeks. In the meantime, I will be adding a number of postings of the last quarter for, hopefully, some insightful and thought-provoking readings. Thanks for checking it out!

- Andy


judetw said...

Hi Andy, thought I'd check out the blog and bookmark it. So I got to see a bit of your bike saga. Nice quotes from some of my favorite authors! I was interested to see that you say you are part of a monastic community. I didn't know that nehemiah house used that vocabulary. You will enjoy the "order" aspects in London for sure.

Unknown said...

Yeah, the "monastic community" is definitely a Scott influence. We read through the 12 marks book in the fall and consider ourselves under that in a way. But, yes, I do look forward to spending time in an "order" in London

judetw said...

Have you read the New Friars book? That is the one that looks at Servants, InnerCHANGE and a few others and separates them from the New Monastics because they are missionary, as the friars were.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I did in the fall. It was a great book.

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