Saturday, April 03, 2010

Joshua Tree National Park

One day during Spring Break last week, I went with some Fuller friends (unfortunately Amal couldn't come because her school was on a different spring break...lame!) to Joshua Tree National Park. I have been wanting to go there for a very long time. It was a totally amazing place with such cool rocks to climb all up and down. A few days earlier, I went to the doctor and found out my elbow was fractured (long story, but more than a month earlier, I was hit by a car on my bike. I never went to the doctor because it started getting better on its own and I am a wait-and-see kind of person regarding injuries). I really couldn't help myself and was climbing all over the rocks. Needless to say but my elbow was hurting more by the end of the day...not too much though!

Here are a few pics from the trip...enjoy!

The famous Joshua Tree and cool rocks!

Another Joshua Tree and some more rock formations in the background

My glasses are so cool, huh?!

Some cool desert reservoir with lots of fun rocks to climb all over and up

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