Sunday, April 08, 2007

Birthday madness!

My birthday was yesterday. It was a nice day full of numerous activities. I spent part of the afternoon driving around Portland giving Ana, a Croatia girl that is here support raising, the tour of this great city. We had met a few times in Zagreb (capital of Croatia) for some staff training and it was great to be available to help her out a little in getting started with this rather large process.

The evening was filled with myself and a few friends enjoying a cookout around a campfire, smashing a pinata, and some frisbee action. The great thing about this all was that this was inspired by some planning my team and I did in Croatia in the fall. We were thinking of some special things we wanted for our birthdays throughout the year. I mentioned something involving pinata's and frisbee. So, I decided to honor those ideas, and my team, and include those in my celebration. So here's some evidence of the night.

There was the fire behind us in the picture above. And we did have tons of fun with the pinata later on. Pics of me, Ryan, Liz and Toner all taking swings at it. Toner was the first to bust it open and a few of us furthered that damage until it was finished.

And we did also get out on a field and enjoy some frisbee action. We went to a local high school and threw it around on their football field. Some fun was had and some ruckus was created by yours truly. I slide tackled Toner and a garbage can before we left. The cops came rushing in just as we were leaving, but we were much to wise and cunning to get caught (a cop car really did come driving in as we were leaving to follow up on a complaint I suspected).

Thanks to all for the great gifts: my team for the book and misc. notes in it, Ana for the Croatian chocolate, Ryan and Liz for the sweet card saying "You're sweet and easy to love and you're the flavor I'm looking for. Happy Birthday", and all the other cards from other people. Thanks all! Definitely a great day followed up by another one today.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had a great day...lovely photos thanks for posting them...and for some more fun also visit my blog on Birthday Greetings and enjoy all that's there!!!

Anonymous said...

Is that Red Stripe Beer? Is that Beer, hooray BEER?

Andy said...

Yeah, you couldn't stop me from saying that Justin. It's beer! Hooray Beer! And I love World Market, because you can buy great beer there.

Taylor said...

ha ha ha. I love that you had a pinata! I'm glad you had a great time.

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