Monday, July 23, 2007

"How are you doing?"

The above question is one that we use constantly in our everyday conversations with people around us. It is such a natural thing to say that we say it without really thinking about it and/or expecting an honest, real response. As I am grieving the loss of my mom and obviously not ok with life in general, I am asked this constantly. I usually respond with the "ok" or "alright" responses that are almost expected in any situation. Occasionally, I respond with a "not good" or "pretty crappy" and also sometimes I don't say anything at all and give them a shoulder shrug and a look that gives them a response that says "are you kidding me? You really asked me that? How do you think?"

All of us fall into this all of the time. I even do while I am dealing with all of this. I have asked my dad and sisters this question and immediately thought how stupid am I. I don't really fault anyone for saying this to me. No one really knows how to act toward someone that is going through tragedy. I know that I am tired of responding in a nice, kind way. Any of you that really know me would not be surprised by that.

I don't know if anyone really looks at my blog anymore, so this might be a mute point. But for those of you that do read this, please don't ask me how I am doing; please don't ask how my family is doing. I know that you care for me and want to express that, but find another way to express that. Thanks for reading


Anonymous said...

You and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers. I appreciate your honesty in your post and I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. I pray that you will feel comforted by the Lord and others through this. In between the stupid comments you will get of course. I also wanted you to know that I appreciated the info. on organ donation. I always thought I just had to have it on my license so I went to the website and did the rest of what I needed to do. Again, I'm sorry and do know that you're being lifted up in prayer by the region. God bless.

Matt Mikalatos said...

Hang in there, pal...

Jen Hibbs said...

thanks for sharing Andy~ you are in our prayers.

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