Thursday, October 16, 2008

Update on life this week

Alright, so my bike seems to be working again, but I'm not really sure because I broke a bone in my foot last Friday and I can't really walk very well, let alone ride my bike.

So, first, the story of the broken foot: Friday night some of us from the church took a bunch of kids to an ice rink in Van Nuys for some fun and mainly to play Broomball. This game requires all participants to play sans ice skates on the ice. So as you can imagine, we are all falling down constantly. It has elements like hockey where you play on two teams and hit an object toward, and hopefully into, a net. The differences are that you use broomsticks with a rubber tip to hit a rubber inflatable ball. It was a lot of fun until I fell down in a group of people and someone fell on my foot. I got up and realized that there was a problem. But, praise God, I have been walking the last few days on the foot and it is getting a little better each day.

My classes have been going for three weeks now and I'm really enjoying the material that I am learning. The Church in Mission class has been really interesting, but the direction the class is moving in is a bit confusing and ambiguous. So, that adds a bit of stress when you don't know what is coming next. My Intercultural Attachment class has been really cool. We are getting more into the concept of bonding and attachment and it is becoming clearer each lecture. I have another class starting the week after next that is called Poverty and Development. I have heard that this class is really great and the professor is so knowledgeable on the topic of international development. The class will be really intense though, because it is a two week intensive course that meets three hours a day, five days a week. That will be going on as the other two classes will be continuing. Whew!

Today was really great earlier, because one of my roommates, John, and I went to lunch at a Bosnian restaurant I found here. It was somewhat close by and definitely within driving distance from our house. The food was great and made me miss living in Croatia. I noticed a very reminiscent scene at one of the tables outside where two men were drinking cappuccino's, smoking, and had very nice cell phones. This might seem odd to you, especially the cell phone part, but it was very true of cafes in Rijeka. I always remember feeling out of place sometimes, because I had a really ghetto, old phone and I didn't smoke. I also found out that I could buy the ingredients to cook up cevapi for my housemates at some point for dinner.

I'll try to continue to have interesting things happen in my life and transpond them here (hopefully no more broken bones though!)

1 comment:

Taylor said...

I was praying for your weekend. let me know.

I tagged you on my blog so you should write 7 cool things about you on your blog.

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