Friday, August 27, 2010

Bike Ride of the Day
(and Minneapolis Exploration)

Earlier today, I went for a three hour bike ride around South Minneapolis. There are all these really beautiful lakes and a wonderful bike path that connects them all. I was amazed at how much people love bikes here and how the city has really invested in the bike-friendly infrastructure. I have added a screen shot of the bike path around the lakes and the path that goes horizontally through the middle of the picture is this old railroad track that has been paved over and is only for bikers and people walking/running. So cool!

So, I went down south along the Mississippi (still know how to spell that word right...yes!) river and the path heads west toward a couple of lakes. It continues around west and north around a couple more lakes and finally, I headed back east toward the river and closer to where I am staying. If you are wondering where that is, it is in this neighborhood.

There was this beautiful stream going from the lakes to the river and the path followed it for a long time. I enjoyed stopping alongside it and taking pictures and enjoying the shade of the trees.

This is from the bank of one of the lakes and the picture below is of Downtown Minneapolis. It's a nice city and I've enjoyed the significantly more laid back posture of the people here as compared to LA.

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