Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Per-cep-tion: "The process by which an organism detects and interprets information from the external world by means of the sensory receptors."

For many of us, how we are perceived by others is very important. For some of us, it might be of extreme importance. We work hard to develop ourselves into something that we want others to see and develop their perceptions of us based on. Unfortunately, no matter what some people do, perceptions are made of them regardless. Often these are quite negative and drastically change how they are treated. As you all know, I am in Minneapolis for the next six weeks spending time finishing up my practicum for my master’s degree from Fuller. I am spending time with the InnerCHANGE team here as well as with a number of people working with Somali immigrants living in Minneapolis. There has been a lot in the news lately about Somali immigrants in Minneapolis. Regardless of whether there is any truth to any of it, the perception of Muslims living in the United States and much of Western Europe is described in the following picture.

I was walking through the neighborhood I am living in while I am here my first night and saw this written on the side of the mailbox. For a little context, the neighborhood is comprised in large by Somalis, but does have some diversity in African Americans, Native Americans and Latinos. The mailbox is on the corner of one street with a Lutheran church across the street. I imagine that this was written by someone with a perception that all Muslims are terrorists. I think this sentiment is rather strong in the United States. I have been following the news regarding the Islamic cultural center being proposed to be built two blocks from where the World Trade Center stood in New York. I have had a number of conversations with people regarding this and often the reaction is rather strong against the Islamic center. I am not surprised, though, because as much as this country loves to pride ourselves on freedom and an openness to other people, generally we are very closed to things that we have already developed negative perceptions toward.

Freedom of practicing religion and cultural expression are only allowed when it is something we agree with and it doesn’t infringe on us. Let me give a big shocker here: NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS. Most are very loving and caring people who don’t hate and judge nearly as much as we do.

Learn how to see this man…

…and this woman…

…for who they are – people just like us…

How would you like to have no control over how you are perceived? Where everything good that you do does nothing to improve your perception, but instead people call you a terrorist?

Develop a heart for the oppressed…

‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.’

1 comment:

Amal Khezami said...

So interesting love, I hope you get the chance to share with them that regardless what other think, you do care about who they are as people.

Keep being you :)

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