Thursday, February 22, 2007

Crazy nights in Rijeka include men in skirts, verbal attacks against the US government, and shady bars!

Last night, John and I attended a viewing of a conspiracy film with a mutual friend. To view a composition of the evening, check out John's recent post

I agree that it was very interesting and somewhat disturbing if even partly true. I did enjoy parts of it. One of my favorite points in the film was some sound-bites from the Republication National Convention in 2004 prior to President Bush's re-election. They were talking a lot about terrorism and 9/11. The sound-bites were only of the words terrorist, terrorism, 9/11, tyranny, and other words as such. It was quite amusing how many times they were said by some of the individuals.

So, in all, it was quite interesting and lead to some great conversation where I had to bite my tongue multiple times to not scream that I am not a US government sheep and follow my leaders without question.

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