Saturday, October 14, 2006

Finally... the long awaited post is here!!

So, for all of you who have been waiting to experience this, I have pictures of my new necessity in life; my purse. First off, I want to explain what I call it. I haven't given it a name. If I was to name it, I would have to pick a macho name like Hank or Gill or... (Andy!). But what I do call it is my purse or man-bag. I have decided against man-purse, don't ask me why.
Let me explain some of the features. First of is the size and versitility of my purse. I can put a variety of objects into it including books, journals, bibles, pens, cameras, music players, glasses, legos, dried fruit, and many other things. It is large enough for three or possibly even four bookish items.
Note the skull in the fabric. I know... I can sense your jealousy.

Secondly, I feel like a freer man, because I can relieve my pants from the extra weight my keys, wallet, phone and coinage create. I can put all of these in my purse for added comfort. One other great thing involving my phone is I am notorious missing calls cause I don't hear my phone ring. To reduce, and possible alleviate, this problem I have been using the mesh pocket on the side of my purse as my phone holder. Easy access and no missed calls, can life get better? I submit not!

Thirdly and lastly, one of my desires since ariving here in Croatia is to become more like "the people", hence becomre more European. I know what you are thinking. No, I have not stopped using deodorant. I promise. But have started the process of transformation with the purchase of my purse. I know this will not be a smooth transition, but I feel that this is a good first step.

If you are wondering if I will continue the use of my purse back home after I leave Croatia. My answer is an emphatic "absolutely!!" Why not, tell me why not! I look forward to the day that I am walking around in Compton in LA with my purse draped over my shoulder and I don't feel silly or ashamed at all.


zoran said...

Europeans use deodorant!

I've used it all my life (or since I entered puberty, whichever came first).

Andy said...

Ha ha!! I don't think that bacon fat or gasoline is considered deodorant, but yes you do smell nice.

Anonymous said...

hey andy! long time no talk to! i commend you wholeheartedly on your purchase!

such item can also be called a "murse"....(short version for man purse)...but i can see why you may choose to call it your may help you to retain some of your macho-ness (if you so feel the need) while sporting something that clearly screams "metrosexual" :P
(it should be known that there are many individuals of the fairer sex that enjoy the more fashionable flair of metro men, and this is in no way an insult hehe).

peace and love to you in croatia!
god bless,

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