Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A couple of the boys...

Left to right: Me, Dario, John (my roommate). We are watching a European Championship futbol match at his apartment. It was great! Man United won!

John and Zoran - we went to a festival near Rijeka called White Sunday. It was a celebration of a new wine harvest. Lots of fun hanging with the team and other friends.


Allison said...

That's a funny pic of Zoran. You should send me some of your other pictures

zoran said...

Wow great. Tnx a lot for putting my t-shirt up for all the world to see how big of a kid I am :) .

Glad I could help, and if my hard drive starts making grinding sounds...just pretend it's not happening. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's a funnier picture of John. Pre-sneeze? Mid-chew? Or simply contemplating Zoran's t-shirt?

Anonymous said...

Actually John, you kinda look like Ben Stiller in that pic. Anyone with me on this one?

Andy said...

All I know is John is definitely enjoying some roasted chestnuts, which I'm still not sure what I think about.

Zoran - yeah I will definitely keep ignoring all the horrible sounds coming from your hard drive

zoran said...

Well I guess he might have been struggling to get roasted chestnuts leftovers from between his teeth, but then again maybe he was just practicing for a Ben Stiller double.

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